At Jonesville Baptist Church, we believe in being consistent with Biblical principals including loving all of God's children, proclaiming the Gospel, and prioritizing generosity.

Love God, love people.

Who We Are

Jonesville Baptist Church is Christ ruled, and led and served by the Pastor in conjunction with the laity. We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, and hold to the SBC's Faith and Message.  Though we are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention in donating to missions, and are in agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message, we remain autonomous in all other aspects. We value our leadership's integrity and trust God to lead our church in the way it should go.

For more information on the SBC Faith and Message, click here

Our Values

JBC values a church environment that reflects a family-like atmosphere. With Jesus at the center of our church, our core values include truth, relationships, authenticity, community, missions, worship, and unity. We invite you to come be a part of our family!

To learn more about membership at JBC, email us at

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